November 9, 2011

Our son...

After we made the decision to go ahead with the c-section it became a hurry and wait situation.  They had a scheduled c-section ahead of us and then a poor lady needed an emergency section.  Baby Luke was just fine to wait as long as there were no contractions or pitocin.   So he was just hanging out while his Mommy was just hanging on.

They wheeled me down the hall and started their procedures.  This was one of those big moments in life and I wanted to take it all in.  I wanted to remember the details...but at the same time all I could focus on was baby Luke's heartrate monitor.  Everytime his heart beat I would breathe.  It is an amazing thing that God created when he tangled Momma's and baby's together.

The nurse asked me my name and why I was there.   The anethetician asked me my name and why I was there.   The doctor asked me my name and why I was there; I wanted to look at one of them and say, I had an enlarged gall bladder that needed to come out,  but I was too nervous to be funny.

They were ready to begin and in just mere moments I felt pressure and then the absence of it and then a cry.   A lusty cry that was angry from being jerked from his warm home.  And with that cry it all became all right.  All the months of pleading with God had brought to fruition an answer to prayer, and just like that I could exhale the breath I had been holding for the last several months.  The first chapter was over and Luke was here.  I no longer had to fear my body betraying another baby....we made it....Luke made it. (The bible doesn't tell us much about our life before we are conceived but I always imagine baby Timothy telling his brother good may be the farthest thing from the truth but it is a nice image.)
The NICU nurse ran little Luke past me and I was able to see him and all of that dark hair.  The other nurses huddled in the corner saying his APGAR is 9 does he have to go to NICU???   While the nurses and doctors were trying to decide if Luke did indeed need the NICU the nurses started gathering statistics.  He was born at exactly 12:59 AM on 6-11-11.  He weighed
 6lbs 13oz with an indeterminable length (around 19 in).

In the end the hospital wanted to make sure that all of his issues were isolated to orthopedics and nothing underlying so he was whisked away to the NICU.  I sent my husband with him and again I was all alone, but this time the "what - if" monsters had been slayed and my soul was soothed.

It would be hours before I could truly meet my little boy, but that is for another post....


  1. I'm hanging on the edge of my seat to finish reading Lukes birth journey..."You were"???

  2. Sorry blogger has eaten my post 3 times!!! Will try again!
