November 1, 2007

Normalcy would be so sweet!!

If I could ever find it!

I just returned from a trip to Texas to visit my dear friend from college Aimee and her son Isaac that was born at 29 weeks. She is doing well and handling this with more grace and reliance on God than I think I have ever seen! Her son is improving more each week and we thank God for these blessings. It was rather awe inspiring to see such a little baby, it was also a great experience to see this family pull together to help their son!

Aimee still lives in the area of our university so I drove around our campus and it was so nostalgic while I was there. (Just a note to Dimple Queen, I drove by Burt Hall and thought,
"wow, these kids look so young!!") I saw the exact spot that hubby kissed me for the first time and the commons area where we all spent a lot of time avoiding school work and socializing. I loved college and I love to remember those memories of meeting people who would be life long friends! I especially love remembering hubby and my dating days from back then. It is so funny to think back to that time and remember what you were thinking and feeling and try to marry that picture with today's life and it seems like a million years ago!

So I flew home again on Tuesday and was greeted by a family that really missed me and a house that had been run by Dad for the last 4 days! I didn't mind the mess that bad because I was just anxious to see everyone and make sure all were well and fine. I wasn't able to spend too much time with hubby, but he did take me to lunch on the way home from the airport =), because the same day I returned he left for TEXAS!! Bad timing! He will be out there for a few weeks tending to business, helping a brother move, and checking in on grandparents. Maybe he will meander to the spot where he kissed me for the first time.....

So all of that to say the last couple of days we have been searching for normalcy. Since the fires and then my short hop to Texas and now Dad being gone it has been a little hectic around here. Maybe we can find that schedule soon, but company is coming to keep us entertained while Dad is away... so maybe one day we will remember the nice boring routines that were at one time our life! Life seems cyclical like that a nice normal break and then frenzy and repeat!


  1. I'm glad to see this post. I have been wondering how you were.

  2. I forgot you were coming to TX! I too was wondering how you were and what was going on...guess I should have read back a few posts! I am glad Aimee it doing well! I have been praying for her and the baby. We went back to the area for homecomming last year. WOW!!!! It has blown up! And I too took a few moments to reflect! You are right, when you go back EVERYONE looks so young. We have several of our youth that have graduated, gone there and graduated already! Talk about feeling old.

    Anyway, glad you are back!

    Gotta go read about your toilet now...glanced at it, but read this one first!

