March 29, 2008


I have been a little MIA this week. Every time I started to blog I would just see a cursor blinking! So I would wonder away and a day would pass and I would think hmm... I need to check on the blog. I started to think of it like a houseplant that needs watering! (Some people think of it like an animal that needs to be fed daily, but mine just got stuck at houseplant as far as importance!)

My husbands grandmother was diagnosed with dementia this week, they aren't sure if it is Alzheimer's but none the less we knew it was coming, you could just tell when she asked the same question several times in a row. She is a sweet lady with a very generous heart so it is hard to watch but it is even harder to watch her children deal with it. As the grandchildren we are a little removed from the day to day care (although we would certainly pitch in if asked or even needed.), she had 7 children so there are many hands ready and willing to make light work.

Well I need to run I need to prepare for our hospitality Sunday tomorrow (the one Sunday a month that we purpose to invite a family or 2 over for lunch.) Also the one Sunday that I can guarantee that my house will be clean! Giggle! Liz

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