October 16, 2007

Birth Order

I have always been interested in birth order. In college I read the Birth Order Book by Kevin Leman. I thought it was really interesting to see the ways that being born can change your outlook on life. I have always kept the information in my side pocket to pull out when I make observations about my children I always thought it was good to have this information; however I have also realized that most of the negatives can be refuted if you spend time with your kids. TIME the precious commodity!

When I had my children I was quite young for today's standards. My first was 22, second 24, third 26, and fourth (we had a stretch) 29. So 4 kids before I was 30 taught me a lot! I learned very early on that the little ones want you more than the things you can buy. Infact I think I could make a very good case that the things that cost little to no cost can have the biggest and the best impact. For example: a walk, baking cookies, playing a game, learning something that you have to teach, visiting a sick friend or relative, etc. I always thought that the kids who grew up without the best and the most were the most priveledged because their characters were so rich.

I also think that to develop this character further the children in your home need to feel very important to the goings on of the day. Sometimes it is just fun to take a break to play but even more important is their involvement with the important tasks of the day. For example, helping with dinner, pitching in to clean up, and doing yard work together. Some of my favorite childhood memories are when my whole family pitched in to do yard work at our house or my grandmother's.

So while I have always enjoyed knowing the impact that birth order has on my children I know that many of the negative effects of a certain birth order are minimized with your time to love and play and teach. So instead of watching your favorite program get down on the floor with your kids and build a card house or pull a stool up to the counter and let them stir. It really is more important than the busyness of life or the perfection of your home to send those little ones to bed with a full heart from time well spent with you. Have fun with your kids today and if you have a second leave a comment about your kids favorite low cost or no cost time with you.
(I had a cute picture of the kids painting - a good low cost thing to do, but blogger wouldn't let me upload for some reason.)


  1. Thank you for this post! I have been struggling so much lately with trying to "do it all". I find myself drowning all the time. I have been reluctant at letting the kids "do" too much around the house because I want it done a certain way, however, I haven't been getting it done myself. My boy LOVES to help and wants to help! I need to let him and it will serve multi purposes!!! And the statement about taking time away from our favorite show to get on the floor...I think even taking time while the water is boiling is great! Last night I did that with Rachel and we just looked at some picture cards she had and she was so excited becasue Mommy got on the floor with her and looked at her cards!!! It makes me almost cry now. How pitiful I have been to miss out on those kinds of moments!

    Thank you Liz!

  2. Making anything sweet (of which they may eat some dough/batter).

    This is an automatic winner.
