October 14, 2007

Life's Learning Lessons:

So my 9yo dd had a project to do with her charter school. (The school that keeps our records and we report to once a month so they actually know I'm teaching my kids something and not sitting and watching TV all day!) She needed to report on something in the community and she chose to research different jobs! So, for her first job to research she spent one day with her aunt at her law firm! She had a great day exploring the legal world and learning about objections and contempt of court!!!

Here she was answering the phone.

And in front of the court house!

After lunch she spent an hour at Grandma's restaurant learning how she ran her business. They let her wait on a customer and make change for a customer. She really enjoyed it.

Working at the register.

Washing out a towel to wash a table!

She had a great day! Next sememster she will research 2 more jobs and then make a big report at the end of the year! I thought this was a great project for her. She sees me at home all day long and I would like for her to have another perspective to draw from. One day I hope when/if she has a family I hope that she will chose (if it is at all possible) to stay home to raise then but, before then and after then I want her to see some of her options.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I wish my little niece could come here and see what it is like in the advertising world...very busy!!!
