December 4, 2007

a question...

is my header coming up right on your computers? I'm trying to figure out if my computer is having trouble loading it or if it is a blogger issue. Thanks.


  1. 1 comments:
    Anonymous said...
    WOW it never seems to amaze me that life gets in the way of all that we want to do. Mat.11:8 Come unto me all you that Labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." The Greek for labor is kopiao, which means to feel fatigue. Rest is anapauo which means to repose, be exempt (refresh) What a blessed Savior we have. One that loves us enough to pay a debt he did not owe, and we could not pay. Yet he did for us and still promises to give us rest when we lean on him. You each are a blesing to me!
