December 2, 2007

This and That

Well, I didn't get to put up all of the wonderful things on my blog this week that I wanted to. I had an incredibly busy week, but it was fun and full of interesting things, unless you happened to visit this blog this week where nothing new or fun or interesting happened.

I worked for Grandma at the restaurant for 3 days this week so that took a big chunk of my time this week. My poor kids are ready for life to return to the regularly scheduled programming and it will very soon, I hope - I think - Lord willing. I like working with Grandma, but I need to be here with my kids and thus starts the guilt. It is hard being a mom!

Anyway it is late and I need to go to sleep but I wanted to post before all of my wonderful readers deleted me from their favorites because I never post anything new! That is if I have any readers who put me on their favorites, I think - I hope!

As an aside, my dear brother visited me here for the first time this week and I inadvertently deleted his comments on a post with no name. So sorry dear brother, you will just have to leave another one!

So I will try to update more this week if life calms down, I have made a lot of new and great recipes this week that I would love to introduce to you all, I have decided that I love to bake muffins, they have a less guilty feel to them than cake. More on that later, have a great Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. WOW it never seems to amaze me that life gets in the way of all that we want to do. Mat.11:8 Come unto me all you that Labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." The Greek for labor is kopiao, which means to feel fatigue. Rest is anapauo which means to repose, be exempt (refresh) What a blessed Savior we have. One that loves us enough to pay a debt he did not owe, and we could not pay. Yet he did for us and still promises to give us rest when we lean on him. You each are a blesing to me!
